Class Theme and Respect

Our Class Theme:

The students and I are a team! I am the coach and they are my superstar players. We discuss how only the best teams make it to the Super Bowl or championships. Teams achieve this through guidance from their coach, teamwork, dedication and perseverance. We all  learn from each other, work together, and do our very best. This way we, as a team, will GO ALL THE WAY and make it to our very own Super Bowl/Championship! Details to come....

We have 1 Class Rule:


I will reflect respect.

I will be a responsible student.

I display good manners.

I will practice acts of kindness.

I will promise to always DO MY BEST!



As a yogi (yoga student), I think that yoga is a wonderful positive way to exercise our mind and body. In the classroom, I feel the students need quick, positive, and peaceful breaks during their day of  learning. I teach them yoga poses and it's optional to do when we have 3 minute quiet yogi moments. These are usually in between different subjects so we can clear our minds and prepare for the next subject. THE STUDENTS ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT!! We have already learned about 6 poses and they are very eager to learn more. It is a quiet peaceful moment for us to catch our breath and reflect during our busy day :) NAMASTE


I look forward to working with you and your child. Together, we will have a wonderful year :)